Thursday, October 2, 2014

Gift From the Sea By Anne Morrow Lindenburg

Let’s start off with a little disclaimer
I am in no way affiliated with any book company or store, author or publishing house in anyway. I am just a book lover who wants to share her musings and great reading finds with everyone I can-because reading is SO good for you! I am not an experienced book critic or anything like that, I studied Health Science and Family Relations in college. None of the Authors of any of the books I will discuss know I exist. This is just like a book group -only I do most all the talking- but feel free to comment about the books mentioned (nicely please).
Now that we have that behind us, I will dive right in:

Gifts From the Sea was recommended to me by a friend, it’s a short read but wow. I think its going on my “gotta have it someday” amazon wish list because it’s the kind to reread a every few years at least.
I had never read any of Anne Lindenburg’s writing before. As it turns out I was missing out, she artfully explains everything so well. With a deep but understandable tone, she relates life stages to sea shells. All of the deep struggles that young mothers (mothers of any age I guess, I am just young) have she manages to articulate, which if you ask me is a feat in and of itself.
In chapter 3 she discusses how women have so many things pulling them in directions. She aptly describes it, lets face it we all understand. Then she goes further analyzing what to do to create the solace and peace we all need in life. It’s so well done. "Like the hub of a wheel" we must be she says. What a perfect metaphor.
I definitely felt the shells where accurate descriptions and although I am only in the oyster bed I felt the analogy’s where profoundly true to my life thus far.
Loved it.
It’s the kind of book that tastes like waking up early and refreshed to a still clean house. There is something so comfortable and isolated about that kind of morning, you soak in the quietness of it all and then all day long whenever you take a breath during the chaos you taste the stillness of that morning. Ahh so refreshing.

Anne describes different stages of life in terms of different shells. The sunrise, the Oster bed etc. what phase are you in?  Do you think her descriptions where accurate to your own life?

It begins

Actually not really... this is not so much the beginning of anything terribly unusual. 
Starting a blog about my reading is not something I have thought about for a while (or at all really). Sometimes on my family blog- the "hey relatives across the country" check out how much my kids have grown kind- I get the overwhelming desire to write long posts about books. I try to wax eloquent about the latest favorite novel read. It never works,*awkward* I get "poetic spurts" (my husband says this happens after I watch too much BBC or read Keats (hey, it could happen to anybody!). Mostly I am the quirky funny type- that is to say sometimes people laugh when I talk- so I can assume I am either funny or I embarrass myself enough to be funny- that does not sound so good. *Cough chough* Well this is a great start. I have a feeling if this where a conversation there would be an awkward pause right now....
What was I saying again…?
Oh yeah, about the blog. Basically I have never even thought of doing this before, but this morning I woke up with the desire to try (unsuccessfully) wax eloquent on the blog again.
 I read Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindenburg, yesterday - Its only natural that I want to discuss it with someone, (anyone!).So I thought about writing another blog post about it. But the problem is that my cousin in Virginia does not want to read about me reading –she wants to see pictures of my kiddos and move on.
Then I got an idea- we will have to wait and see if it was a wonderful or awful idea- The idea was this. “I should just make a blog especially for my reading muses” and now I have.
It’s so great so far! I am so glad you are here because I have ever so many books to discuss.
I am in a book group that meets once a month, we are all moms and the book club is about Classic Literature- sometimes we read Classic children’s books sometimes not. I just read a lot more than the once a month book group and my schedule is such that trying to join 50 book groups to satisfy my craving simply won’t work because I have a young busy family.SO This blog is born.
You like books too don’t you? I mean after reading Jane Austen don’t you walk around for at least a day using a greater part of your ever expanding but sometimes unused vocabulary? I am totally the same way!
So now that we are introduced lets discuss!

PS –do you like the tittle I admit I did not put too much thought into the tittle but it’s funny, right?